World War II Arthur Bondar Collection

Valery Faminsky V.1945

Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945
Valery Faminsky V.1945

The book “Valery Faminsky V.1945” is a unknown photo-evidence from the period of WWII. The book is based on the largely unknown part of historical archive by the Soviet war photographer Valery Faminsky (1914-1993) who was sent to the frontline from the Military Medical Museum of the Red Army with paramedics to capture the first aid during war actions. In 2016 this unique historical heritage was purchased at the online flea market by the photographer Arthur Bondar. The book “Valery Faminsky V.1945” contains incredible and striking visual content of the last months of the war, april-may 1945. Black pages of the book dive the viewer at the atmosphere of the war actions and its aftermath, abandoned cities, suffered solders and civilians. Looking at this material easy to notice that Faminsky had sincere interest in the destiny of people on both sides of the barricades. This archive is unknown part of history for many people. And it could be a great remind for all of us about tragic consequences of any war.

  • Author:
  • Designer: Konstantin Eremenko
  • Editor: Andrey Polikanov
  • Prepress: Vladimir Semenkov
  • Print manager: Agata Chachko
  • Proof reading: Tatiana Timakova
  • Text: Irina Tchmyreva / Valery Faminsky
  • Size: 140×200 cm
  • Pages: 224 liages, 107 b/w images
  • Cover: Hardcover, swiss binding
  • Printing : Offset, 4+4 UV
  • Edition: 500 (1st, 2nd edition)
  • Language: Russian
  • Published in Moscow,
  • ISBN: 978-5-600-01839-6